
STEP is the global professional association for practitioners who specialise in family inheritance and succession planning.

As a STEP branch we work to improve public understanding of the issues families face in this area and promote education and high professional standards among our members.

STEP members help families plan for their futures, from drafting a will to advising on issues concerning international families, protection of the vulnerable, family businesses and philanthropic giving. Full STEP members, known as TEPs, are internationally recognised as experts in their field, with proven qualifications and experience.

To find out more about globally-recognised STEP qualifications, please visit the Qualifications page on the STEP website to learn more about the Certificates, Advanced Certificates, Diplomas and short courses that STEP offers.

STEP also offers branch members access to the global Knowledge Hub which gives access to a range of resources to build members’ skills and knowledge.

In addition, STEP Cayman offers its own calendar of member webinars and seminars hosted by experienced local and international members. Check the Events page for the latest educational events in the Cayman Islands .